Rescue Program:
This is a rescue plan for the mid growing season. Maybe you weren't able to stick to the Yearly Maintenance Program: you didn't start on time, or you got busy for several weeks in the middle of the season. But for whatever reason, you look at your yard and see 30% - 50% weeds. If you realize that the regular program isn't going to correct this, its time for a Rescue Program.
If things are farther gone than you realize, and the rescue program didn't completely solve the problem, you may want to take more drastic steps with the Deep Start Program. As always, consult the Bermuda Tools page to find out what products work best for bermuda lawns.
This needs to be applied
to a warm and growing Bermuda lawn, with at least 2 months in the
growing season left. This means you can start this process anytime
between May and September. Be cautious, however, if the temperatures
are consistently very high, such as an unusually hot August with
sustained temps in the 90s.
0. Prep. Start by mowing your lawn a little lower. Then choose a day that is dry but with rain expected in the next three days, or with the intention of watering if the rain doesn't come.
Our first procedure will include all of the following three treatments, done on the same day.
1. Kill. Use a broad spectrum, multi-ingredient killer to attack the weeds, while leaving the Bermuda grass alone. This will be a sprayed herbicide called Q4+ herbicide and a crabgrass herbicide called BioAdvanced All in one Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer. You want the herbicide to be sprayed on dry grass. Use a wetting agent and a spray dye. You need six hours of dry for the herbicide to become rainfast.
2. Pre-emergent.
If you have existing weeds, then you have existing weed seeds. You
have to stop them from germinating. Barricade - Granular product with a
spreader at the bag rate.
3. Feed. Finally, we want to feed the existing Bermuda grass. Hit it with a 10-10-10 complete heavy. Typical rate is 1 pound per 1000 sq feet. This is a granular product as well.
Apply the 10-10-10 every three weeks.
4. Insects. One possibility is that your ugly lawn might be suffering from bugs. Maybe grubs are chewing on the roots, or ants are digging up the lawn. In that case,
include an insecticide treatment like BioAdvanced 24hr Grub Killer
a couple of weeks, you'll see changes in your lawn. The weeds will show damage, and the bermuda grass may suffer a bit as well.
In 4 weeks, we
will start to see the results of the weed herbicide, and the Bermuda
will be noticeably improved. Make a second application of 10-10-10 at a lighter rate, 1/2 lb per 1000 sq ft.
If you have time left in the growing season, and you still see additional weeds, you can repeat this process again. For us that will mean anything in August or September. By the time you reach October, the ideal conditions may have passed.
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