
Sunday, February 2, 2020

2020 Garden Planner

In the list below, a * means that I haven't ordered it yet.

Throughout the year, we typically plant:

Spring Garden 
Lower Bed
Bok Choi  - seeds in inventory 12 plants
with Yellow onion (sets)  12 plants in inventory

Swiss Chard  seeds in inventory  12 plants
with green onions (seed tape) 6 feet seeds in inventory

Upper Bed
Lettuce  12 plants seeds in inventory
with Radishes (seed tape) 6 feet seeds in inventory
and Red onion (sets) 12 plants in inventory

* Broccoli Greens  6 plants
with  Beets 18 plants seeds in inventory

Summer Garden

Tomatoes - Lower Bed
Roma,  seeds in inventory - 3 plants
Cherry, seeds in inventory - 3 plants
Big Boy, seeds in inventory -3 plants
with Basil seeds in inventory - 3 plants

Peppers - Upper Bed
Bell,  seeds in inventory - 3 plants

with Nasturtium seeds in inventory seed tape

Jalepeno,  seeds in inventory - 1 plant

with Dill,  seeds in inventory - 3 plants
Sweet, seeds in inventory - 3 plants
*with Leeks - 6 plants
*Zucchini  2 plants  (at far end of pepper bed)
with Green Beans (bush type) 6 plants seeds in inventory

Middle Bed:
*Strawberries  - 6-8 plants
with Ground Cherries Ordered 4 plants

Front Bed:
Sunchokes Ordered 4 plants
with Walking Onion  Ordered 6 plants

Winter Garden
Upper Bed
*Cabbage, red and green 12 plants 
with Garlic (sets in inventory  12 plants

*Kale  6 plants
*with Parsnips  12 plants

*Rutabaga 6 plants
*with  Red Veined Sorrel  18 plants

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