This is just a quick glimpse at a very simple aquaponics system that seems to be thriving. The system has three components:
1. The standard aquarium underneath, stocked with dwarf gourami and zebra danios. It has a standard power filter
2. A long, narrow grow bed approximately 6" deep and 40" long. A submersible pump is attached to the underside of the grow bed with a bulkhead fitting via a hose. The pump is on a timer that floods the grow bed for 15 minutes every hour. A second bulkhead fitting controls the upper limit of the water in the grow bed by allowing water to overflow and return to the tank below.
3. The grow bed is not completely filled with media. Instead individual net cups or fabric baskets are filled with hydroton and topped with basalt river rocks. This prevents the development of anaerobic zones and allows for minimal disturbance when managing the grow bed.
The net cups are planted with bok choi, red and green lettuce, basil, and green onions. An LED grow light is positioned above the grow bed which is full spectrum (white) with additional red and blue LEDs. The light is on a different timer.