We've just reached the 14-day mark, and I've re-filled with water and added nutrients. We should be good for another two weeks.
Here is what they look like on day 14:Top view:
It appears like there is good solid growth on most species. I would say that the Nasturtiums are doing less well than the others with yellowing of some leaves even while they continue to produce more leaves.
The view from the underside tells more of the story:Tomato root growth is abundant, as is the growth from the Dill and Basil. These roots are lengthy and intertwined, possibly reaching the maximum needed for seed starting. The pepper roots are coming along nicely, but they still have some development left
The first thing that stands out is that the tomatoes have exploded. They aren't too leggy yet, and they are not pressed up against the lights, but they have certainly grown effusively. As I look closely, I can see that most cells germinated 3 and 4 seeds, leading to an abundance of stems. I knew that I would have to thin, and that moment is obviously upon me.So I trimmed the tomatoes back to 2 stems per cell and this is the result:
They're not noticeably different, but are in a better place for the future. All seedlings are putting out their 3rd set of leaflets. Some of these leaflets are protruding out beyond the grow lights.
Roots like these are long, branching, and intertwined. Some rootlets will be broken when separating them for transplanting.
Putting all the information together:
- Weaker stems have been removed, so we are down to the two strongest plants per cell
- Each plant is on its 3rd true leaf.
- Plant height is ample - not quite touching the overhead lights. This is well beyond all other crops
- Leaves are beginning to extend beyond the lights, where they will probably wither from lack of light.
- Roots are well developed, branched, with fine rootlets.
- Any further root growth will likely be lost when separating the cells, due to breakage.
- the tomatoes will require me to raise the lights soon, even while other plants (like the basil) would benefit from having the lights closer.
- the tomatoes are beginning to overshadow their neighbors, possibly restricting their growth.
- I am beginning to suspect that the tomatoes are hogging all the nutrients that the nasturtiums would like to use, leading to some yellowing
Taking all this information together, it looks like for the tomatoes, it is time to transplant them to pots under the fluorescent lights. Any time this week they will be ready to go. I would like for them to grow another leaf so that they have 4 true leafs before transplanting from the pot to the outside garden. And some of these are destined for containers.
Meanwhile, the rest of the plants are developing nicely. Peppers have modest leaf production above ground, and a few exploratory roots below the surface. These plants look like they are good for another week or more in the Aerogarden.The dill and nasturtiums are doing well, with good root growth and leaf development that is obviously a little further along than the peppers. Any time after this weekend (day 21) these will be available for transplant into pots.